Students TUDelft (U/LA/TIL/Hydraulics)
Teun Claassen, Thomas van der Schaft (Urbanism)
Iris van Driel, Melinda Marjan (Landscape)
Álvaro Prida Guillén (Hydraulic Engineering)
Sven Suijkens, Maud van Belden (Water Management)
Nanette Lim, Willemijn Hut, Elliot Sloot, Simon van Domburg, Feike Jan Nauta (Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics)
Students (Epoka/FAU/FIN)
Rudi Lulaj – Epoka University
Klajdi Dani- Epoka University
Glen Guxho- Faculty of Civil Engineer
Eugen Babilaj – Faculty of Civil Engineer
Arben Hoxhaj- Faculty of Civil Engineer
Rei Bano- Faculty of Civil Engineer
Saki Hajdari- Faculty of Architecture and Urbanistic
Dajana Disha- Faculty of Civil Engineer
Meliha Kerciku- Faculty of Tirana
Juxhina Saliu- Faculty of Civil Engineer
F.L. (Fransje) Hooimeijer– Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, TUDelft
M.Z. (Mark) Voorendt –Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of CEG, TUDelft
Francesca Rizzetto – (UNLAB) Architect/urban planner
Andreas Faoro – (UNLAB) Architect, TR030 General local plan Tirana
Joni Baboçi – General Director of Planning and Urban Development _ Municipality Tirana
Adelina Greça – Director General at NTPA/ AA National Territorial Planning Agency/ ATELIER ALBANIA
Nensi Lalaj: Project Manager BRIGAID, Albanian Partner (AKPT)
Etleva Bodinaku: EMA Consulting Environmental Engineer/Expert
Dritan Bratko: Illyirian Consulting Engineers Water Supply & Sewage Engineer
Oltion Marko – Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineer
AUTARKY IN FLOOD DEFENCE: Public city vs. Private intervention
Strategies and Intervention in the Public sphere.
Albania was involved in an emergency situation from floods on 2nd and 3rd December 2017. Many areas in Albania were affected by the damages caused due to the riverine floods, Vjosa River, Ishëm-Erzen River were not the only ones. To get closer to this emergency situation, to have more detailed information, and direct comments from people affected by natural disasters; a field investigation is done into flooded areas by the project group of BRIGAID. The only main purpose of this survey was learning from the front, observing how the common people faced with the floods, what solutions did they come up with (innovate) in order to overcome the risk of flooding. The outputs of this survey is questionnaires, interviews, photos, descriptions of the current situation as well as stories told by resident’s faced this natural disaster.
This material is the starting point of the workshop in which we investigate the topic of autarky. Autarky is the quality of being self-sufficient. Usually the term is applied to political states or their economic systems. Autarky exists whenever an entity can survive or continue its activities without external assistance or international trade.
• How is the relation between public and private in dealing with flooding?
• Can people work together to find a solution in a neighbourhood scale?
• How the municipality and population can work together sharing responsibility and work?
• Can residents be empowered to taking care of their neighbourhood?
Autarky exists whenever an entity can continue its activities without external assistance. Practices that enable or aid self-sufficiency include autonomous building, permaculture, sustainable agriculture, and renewable energy. The term is also applied to limited forms of self-sufficiency, for example growing one’s own food or becoming economically independent of state subsidies. The scale where the autarky can be applied is the neighbourhood scale, where people can be empowered to create a system in which the resident is the user and the provider of the service. Sometimes the solution coming from the private sphere is more effective in the city than the big work in itself. Porosity of the soil improving the green surface, having care of the manhole and constructing the furniture in the local level, could be faster and a less pressurises for the municipality. Local strategy needs basic rules than can be shared within the bigger city scale.
During the workshop, we direct this idea of autarky regarding flooding issues towards the three disciplines represented in the group of students: urbanism, transport and hydraulic engineering.
Result of the project
[Hydraulic engineering] Álvaro Prida Guillén
Evaluation of the feasibility of solutions to flash flooding in the municipality of Tirana (Albania)
In recent years, several cases of flash floods have been reported in the Municipality of Tirana, causing important material damage in the region. One of the most devastating events occurred in December 2017, which flooded the City Park area (West of the Municipality of Tirana). This area is strategical because it includes relevant centres of economic development, such as commercial and industrial areas, that are located nearby a main road connection between the Port of Durres, the Tirana International Airport and Tirana itself. To mitigate the flood risk at this location, several hydraulic engineering concepts have been developed. However, the suitability of the concepts is limited by two main constraints: budget constraints and spatial constraints. With the aim to develop a flood protection system that is financially and spatially feasible, a system that combines dikes and flood walls is proposed.
Link to project @ the TUD repository.
[Landscape architecture] Iris van Driel
Don’t waste the river!: Limuthi Re-Cycle Valley
These are challenges we have worked on with a multidisciplinary team of students from the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and several universities in Albania. Eventually, a development strategy was made for three locations in and around the capital Tirana. This report is a landscape architectural elaboration of one of these locations: the Limuthi valley. This place has great potential given the location between the port city of Durres and Tirana. By combining technical interventions, a landscape architectonic design and a strategic cooperation proposal between residents, municipality and development organizations, flood problems in this area can be tackled.
Link to project @ the TUD repository.
[Group project] Teun Claassen, Willemijn Hut, Nanette Lim, Sven Suijkens
Tirana: Policy guidelines
Floods are common in Tirana. Experts state that last years flood of 2017 was even as bad as the worst floodyears in Tirana’s history. Although floods are a known part of Tirana’s history, there is still an ongoing debate on how to cope with the floods and how to prevent them. It is important to not only seek for an appropriate vision and conforming solutions, but to also emphasize on the feasibility and viability of these solutions. This paper aims to provide a vision and solutions to overcome Tirana’s flood-, design-, environmental- and transport problems.
Link to project @ the TUD repository.
[Group project] Álvaro Prida Guillén, Elliot Sloot, Iris van Driel, Simon van Domburg
Floward: Towards a safer and more sustainable Albania
From the 26th to the 30th April 2018 a group of students from TU Delft travelled to Albania to analyze the management of flooding events in the municipality of Tirana, Albania. The scope of the workshops organized was gaining a better insight in the interaction between public and private parties in the interventions as a response to floods.
Link to project @ the TUD repository.