Unite education, research and practice in innovative projects that stand out for interdisciplinary leadership

Panorama New Netherlands

Transitional redesign of the Dutch territory
Analyse, develop and design a long term transitional strategy that address the impact of high end sea level rise and climate change on the Dutch territory. Such a design should start from the requirements for a socially, ecologically and economically successful functioning of the country. Without a flourishing country investments will be abandoned, ecosystems will deteriorate and social cohesion diminish. These creates boundary conditions for any long term strategy related to high end sea level rise.

TU Delft Theme directors
Fransje Hooimeijer – BK F.L.Hooimeijer@tudelft.nl
Jos Timmermans – TBM J.S.Timmermans@tudelft.nl

Multi Disciplinary Group project – Scheveningen 2100

Students: Anastasia Kyriakou, Lefketi Papachristopoulou, Jan van Overeem, Charlotte Uphues, Sebastian Iglesias

“The Delta Futures lab was an amazing opportunity for us to do a multidisciplinary project in times of Corona. We got a real case, which was to find solutions for the coastal area of The Hague by applying a Research-by-Design method with the Municipality of The Hague as our client. We could function as a consultancy company and learned how to work in a team with students from different disciplines. The exchange of knowledge from Hydraulic Engineering and Construction managements enabled us to find an integrated solution that satisfies the stakeholders and is technically feasible.”



Scheveningen 2100
Dutch people have always been aware of the sea challenges. With the sea level rising threateningly due to global warming, the challenge for them is bigger. One of the most vulnerable spots in their defense system is the Scheveningen district, which is a densely populated beach resort in the Municipality of The Hague. The aim of this research is to provide long term water safety solutions (towards 2100), while considering the stakeholders’ demands and wishes. For that reason, a background research was conducted through literature reviewing, interviewing experts and stakeholders. This study follows the principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Building with Nature, as frameworks promoting sustainable infrastructure. Two solution packages were obtained. The first one uses a preserve strategy, attempting to maintain the current coastline position with soft interventions, keeping construction costs low. The second package uses an advance strategy, extending land in the seaward direction, and creating a large space for the development of natural habitats and human activities. To evaluate the two designs, a Multicriteria Analysis was conducted. The goal of the analysis is not the selection of a winner but the assistance to the decision-making process. The evaluation resulted in a slight preference for the Advance strategy and additional measures were proposed for the optimization of it, aiming to a more holistic proposal.